Eisai Symposium: Retrospective and real-world evidence for first-line TKI monotherapy in unresectable HCC

Eisai Symposium: Retrospective and real-world evidence for first-line TKI monotherapy in unresectable HCC

Saturday, September 3, 2022 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Madrid)
Plenary Room "Roma"


Welcome and introduction

Chair: Professor Stephen Lam Chan

REFLECT: outcome data according to liver function

Professor Arndt Vogel

Combination therapy vs TKI monotherapy in non-viral uHCC: An international study

Dr Margherita Rimini

Q&A discussion

(All faculty)

Facilitated by Professor Stephen Lam Chan

TKI: tyrosine kinase inhibitor, uHCC: unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma

August 2022 GL-LENA-22-00050


The intended audience for this promotional symposium is healthcare professionals only.

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Join our Industry Symposium (Live, virtual streaming and on-demand)

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Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard or search for the MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store, or Republic of Ireland: www.hpra.ie. Adverse events should also be reported to Eisai Ltd on +44 (0)208 600 1400 or EUmedinfo@eisai.net

Los profesionales sanitarios deben notificar cualquier sospecha de reacción adversa al Sistema Español de Farmacovigilancia a través del formulario electrónico al que se puede acceder en el siguiente enlace: https://www.notificaRAM.es. Adicionalmente, las sospechas de reacciones adversas también pueden notificarse a Eisai Farmacéutica, S.A. llamando al 91 455 94 55 o a través del correo electrónico informacionmedica_esp@eisai.net.

This symposium has been organised and funded by Eisai Europe Ltd. Eisai Europe Ltd is a principal sponsor and has provided financial support for the organisation of ILCA 2022 but has had no influence over the scientific content of the meeting.

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EisaiAt Eisai Europe, human health care is our goal. We give first thoughts to patients and their families and helping to increase the benefits health care provides. We have a passionate commitment to patient care that is the driving force behind our efforts to help address unmet medical needs. To learn more, visit www.eisai.eu. Join our Eisai-sponsored industry symposium and case study workshop at ILCA 2022! These activities are intended for healthcare professionals only. Eisai products will be discussed. Industry Symposium - Retrospective and real-world evidence for first-line TKI monotherapy in unresectable HCC Saturday 3rd September 2022, 13:00–14:00 CEST (Live, virtual streaming and on-demand) Chaired by: Professor Stephen Lam Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Join us for Eisai's sponsored symposium where a panel of leading experts will discuss the role of first-line monotherapy in a rapidly evolving treatment landscape, followed by an interactive Q&A. Our expert panel will cover a variety of topics, including key clinical considerations and recent findings from a growing body of retrospective and real-world evidence, as well as the treatment of patients with non-viral aetiology. Our interactive session will be live at the ILCA 2022 congress. The session will also be streamed live on Swapcard and be made available on-demand after the meeting. Case Study Workshop - A case study approach: The role of first-line TKI monotherapy in an evolving unresectable HCC treatment landscape Saturday 3rd September 2022, 19:45-20:45 CEST (Live) Chaired by: Professor Arndt Vogel, Hannover Medical School, Germany In this interactive workshop, our panel of experts will review and discuss case studies depicting their clinical experiences of treating select uHCC patient groups with first-line monotherapy. This workshop will include discussions around treatment selection and responses for different patient groups, as well as the place for monotherapy in the evolving treatment landscape. TKI: tyrosine kinase inhibitor, uHCC: unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard or search for the MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store, or Republic of Ireland: www.hpra.ie. Adverse events should also be reported to Eisai Ltd on +44 (0)208 600 1400 or EUmedinfo@eisai.net. Los profesionales sanitarios deben notificar cualquier sospecha de reacción adversa al Sistema Español de Farmacovigilancia a través del formulario electrónico al que se puede acceder en el siguiente enlace: https://www.notificaRAM.es. Adicionalmente, las sospechas de reacciones adversas también pueden notificarse a Eisai Farmacéutica, S.A. llamando al 91 455 94 55 o a través del correo electrónico informacionmedica_esp@eisai.net. GL-ONC-22-00069 August 2022

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